Nederlands English
Kleijn Chocolade Manufactorij
Nederlands English
Kleijn Chocolade Manufactorij


All names, characters, incidents, stories, events and locales displayed and referred to on this website are entirely fictional. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons (including legal entities, natural persons and those kind of unnatural, fake types) and/or institutions in this publication with those of any locale, event, name, institution, person, living, dead or practising at any Amsterdam law firm is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental.

Kleijn Chocolade Manufactorij publications may contain politically incorrect attempts at humor, coarse language and portrayals of characters and events which may be considered offensive, and due to their content Kleijn Chocolade Manufactorij publications should not be read or viewed by anyone.

Klein Chocolade Manufactorij does not read or accept unsolicited submissions of ideas, stories or artwork.